Take Years off Your Face and Body with Liftera 

If you are looking haggard or out of shape, and are in need of a quick nip and tuck that can immediately lift years off your face or your body, Liftera, a new noninvasive lifting and contouring treatment now available at The Wellness Clinic may be the solution to your woes. 

Liftera is ideal for face lifting, skin tightening, line correction and body contouring. Featuring the use of Thermal Diffusion Treatment (TDTTM) technology, Liftera delivers high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy both in a micro-focused and diffused manner into the skin without the risk of damage to the epidermis. This stimulates collagen production in the upper and lower dermis area as well as contraction in the Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (SMAS) layer of the face and helps in tightening and lifting the skin. 

Liftera treats the skin at a wide range of different depths – from 1.5mm to 13mm, enabling treatment to be targeted accordingly. A pen applicator makes the treatment of areas where the skin is thinner such as the undereye area, eyebrow and upper eyelids as well as curved areas on the face more effective. In addition, a selection of cartridges is used for deep tissue tightening and fat reduction on almost all parts of the body including the abdomen and upper arms.  

“With an extensive range of parameters that can be customised according to individual needs, Liftera is an ideal option for patients seeking a quick yet painless and effective solution to tightening their skin as well as contouring their body,” said Dr Ram Nath, Director, Aesthetic and Medical Services, The Wellness Clinic.